
Kale University

With 6 lbs. of leafy produce in one little bottle, you�re looking at a highly intelligent way to get your greens.

See What's Inside

Kale is the king of superfoods and the workhorse of our Green juice. Packed with anti-oxidants, fiber, beta carotene, calcium, and Vitamin C.
Contains both soluble and insoluble fiber and is an excellent source of antioxidants.
Ginger supports healthy digestion and assists in soothing upset stomachs.
Romaine is loaded with folate and Vitamins A, C which are powerful antioxidants. It is also a great source of Vitamin K.
One of the best vegetable sources of Vitamin E, Iron and Magnesium and a great source of chlorophyll. Popeye was onto something�
Cucumbers are packed with folate, potassium and Vitamins A, C and K.
Celery contains many vitamins and minerals including Vitamins A, C and K, folate, potassium, calcium and manganese.
Parsley is a Vitamin K powerhouse and also contains calcium, iron, potassium, folate and Vitamins A and C.
A great antioxidant, high in Vitamin C.
Full list
organic romaine, organic apple, organic celery, organic cucumber, organic spinach, organic kale, organic parsley, organic ginger, organic lemon

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


We swear to give you the juice, the whole juice and nothing but the juice.

These are the simple rules we live by:

  1. The freshest fruits and vegetables make the best juice. Keep me cold.
  2. Juice should never be cooked. Cooking juice kills vitamins and live enzymes. Even “flash” pasteurized means cooked.
  3. Don�t have separation anxiety. Only additives can prevent the natural settling process and who wants to drink additives? Stop staring and give me a little shake shake.
  4. Treat your body right. Drinking fresh juice and eating real food is a smart long-term strategy for maintaining good health.