Why RAW™

The answer is simple: Juicers that grind or blend can expose produce to heat and oxygen, compromising nutrient-rich enzymes. Our in-house operation uses a Cold-Press Juicer that exerts tons of hydraulic pressure to extract juice without adding any significant heat. RAW™ cold-pressed juice enables your digestive system, in a matter of minutes, to build, regenerate and cleanse your body. “So LONG” to the pasteurized juice (like the OJ you’d find at the grocery store) instead opting for cold-pressed & live enzyme packed-freshly blended juices.

When the juice is pasteurized, it’s heated at a very high temperature, which protects it against bacteria and prolongs shelf life. However this heating process also destroys live enzymes, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients. Cold pressing, on the other hand, extracts juice by first crushing the fruits and vegetables, and then pressing them to squeeze out the highest juice yield, all without using heat. This produces a thick juice packed with three to five times more nutrients than normal juice!

At RAW™ , we carefully select the best quality produce and we always opt to use organic produce. Our juice blends are comprised entirely of 100% fruit and vegetable juice. We cold press our juices and never pasteurize, allowing us to always obtain maximum nutrient retention. Our juices have a three-day shelf life because it’s unpasteurized, and never frozen. That’s also why it tastes better and is better for you.